I have the following query generated by SqlKata:
UPDATE "temp"."dbe01_measures" SET "category2name" = 'category4name'.
The expected query is:
UPDATE "temp"."dbe01_measures" SET "category2name" = "category4name"
I want to use category4name as column name, not as value.
The code for this is:
var query = new Query(dimensionDataSource.Object)
var valuesToUpdateForQ1 = new Dictionary<string, object>
{toOptionDataSourceMetadata.NameColumn, fromDimension.DimensionDisplayName}
query.AsUpdate(new ReadOnlyDictionary<string, object>(valuesToUpdateForQ1));
var sqlQueryString1 = new QueryFactory { Compiler = new PostgresCompiler() }.Compiler.Compile(query1).ToString();
You have to use the UnsafeLiteral
to instruct the compiler to consume the value without any processing.
var q = new Query("Table").AsUpdate(new Dictionary<string, object> {
{"Id", 1},
{"Value", Expressions.UnsafeLiteral("\"Col\"")}
This will produce the following:
UPDATE "Table" SET "Id" = 1, "Value" = "Col"