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terraform plan error : unsupported argument : An argument named "point_in_time_recovery_enabled" is not expected here

I'am trying to create a google cloud sql instance via terraform and i have to enable point in time recovery option but I have the following error :

Error: Unsupported argument

on line 39, in resource "google_sql_database_instance" "si_geny_postgres_logfaces": 39: point_in_time_recovery_enabled = true

An argument named "point_in_time_recovery_enabled" is not expected here.

here is my terraform file :

resource "google_sql_database_instance" "si_geny_postgres_logfaces" {

  project          = google_project.current_project.project_id
  region           = var.region
  name             = "si-sql-instance"
  database_version = "POSTGRES_12"

  lifecycle {
    prevent_destroy  = true
    ignore_changes = [
      settings[0].disk_size, name

  settings {

    tier = "db-custom-2-7680"
    availability_type = "REGIONAL"

    ip_configuration {
      ipv4_enabled    = false
      private_network = data.google_compute_network.si_shared_vpc.self_link

    location_preference {
      zone = var.gce_zone

    disk_type       = "PD_SSD"
    disk_autoresize = true
    disk_size       = 10 #GB

    backup_configuration {
      binary_log_enabled = false
      point_in_time_recovery_enabled = true
      enabled    = true
      start_time = "00:00"    // backup at midnight (GMT)
      location   = var.region // Custom Location for backups => BACKUP REGION

    maintenance_window {
      day = 1
      hour = 3
      update_track = "stable"


terraform {
  required_version = ">0.12.18"

provider "google" {
  version = "=3.20.0"
  project = var.project_id
  region = var.region
  zone = var.gce_zone

provider "google-beta" {
  version = "=3.20.0"
  project = var.project_id
  region = var.region
  zone = var.gce_zone

Any idea please?


  • Typically when you get these:

    An argument named "..." is not expected here.

    issues on terraform. First thing to check is that your file is correct and the property in the error is actually listed in the docs (which this one is).

    Next thing is to check that your using the latest version of the provider. As properties are introduced they get added to the documentation but it's not always obvious which version of the provider they were added. You can check to see whichever is the latest provider from the release notes.

    So you should upgrade your provider version to the latest (3.40.0) as of time of writing:

    provider "google" {
      version = "=3.40.0"
      project = var.project_id
      region = var.region
      zone = var.gce_zone