I have a project in which I am converting a large amount of .tif images into PDF documents. File count goes into millions.
To speed up the process I am using Amphp. Since the process of converting the images with Imagemagick takes up some cpu power I want to limit the maximum amount of parallel running converter processes.
My first approach works, but could be improved if I queue the files instead of giving a set amount of workers an array of x files.
This is my current code, where I tried to replicate the example.
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$constants = get_defined_constants(true);
$constants = $constants['user'];
$i = 0;
$folder = opendir(LOOKUP_PATH);
$tasks = [];
while ($i < $maxFileCount && (false !== ($import_file = readdir($folder)))) {
$fileParts = explode('.', $import_file);
$ext = strtolower(end($fileParts));
if($ext === 'xml') {
$filePath = LOOKUP_PATH. 'xml'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$import_file;
$tasks[] = new ConvertPdfTask([$filePath], $constants);
if(!empty($tasks)) {
Amp\Loop::run(function () use ($tasks) {
$coroutines = [];
$pool = new Amp\Parallel\Worker\DefaultPool(THREAD_COUNT);
foreach ($tasks as $index => $task) {
$coroutines[] = Amp\call(function() use ($pool, $task) {
return yield $pool->enqueue($task);
$results = yield Amp\Promise\all($coroutines);
return yield $pool->shutdown();
My problem is, that as soon as I enqueue more than the THREAD_COUNT
amount of tasks, I get the following PHP warning: Warning: Worker in pool exited unexpectedly with code -1
and no PDFs are created.
As long as I stay below the maximum pool size, everything is fine.
I am using PHP 7.4.9 on Windows 10 and amphp/parallel 1.4.0.
After some more experimenting I found a solution, that seems to work. It feels a bit "hacky", so if anyone has a better idea, please share. I thought the pool would automatically build up a queue which is then handled by the maximum amount of workers, that seems to not be the case.
I now save the coroutines that I get from the Amp\call
in two separate arrays. One which holds all coroutines and one that holds all for the current loop.
$coroutine = Amp\call(function () use ($pool, $task) {
return yield $pool->enqueue($task);
$loopRoutines[] = $coroutine;
$allCoroutines[] = $coroutine;
After enqueueing an item I check if I already reached the maximum number of configured threads. If the pool has the maximum numbers of workers and no idle worker, I call the Amp\Promise\first
function on my current-loop coroutines to wait for a new free idle worker.
Since the function would instantly return the next time I get there (because the finished coroutine is still im my current-loop array), I clear the array.
if ($pool->getWorkerCount() >= (THREAD_COUNT) && $pool->getIdleWorkerCount() === 0) {
yield Amp\Promise\first($loopRoutines);
$loopRoutines = [];
After the foreach I call Amp\Promise\all
on my all-coroutines array, so the script waits until all workers are finished.
Here is my changed code:
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$constants = get_defined_constants(true);
$constants = $constants['user'];
$i = 0;
$folder = opendir(LOOKUP_PATH);
$tasks = [];
while ($i < $maxFileCount && (false !== ($import_file = readdir($folder)))) {
$fileParts = explode('.', $import_file);
$ext = strtolower(end($fileParts));
if($ext === 'xml') {
$filePath = LOOKUP_PATH. 'xml'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$import_file;
$tasks[] = new ConvertPdfTask([$filePath], $constants);
if(!empty($tasks)) {
Amp\Loop::run(function () use ($tasks) {
$allCoroutines = [];
$loopRoutines = [];
$pool = new Amp\Parallel\Worker\DefaultPool(THREAD_COUNT);
foreach ($tasks as $index => $task) {
$coroutine = Amp\call(function () use ($pool, $task) {
return yield $pool->enqueue($task);
$loopRoutines[] = $coroutine;
$allCoroutines[] = $coroutine;
if ($pool->getWorkerCount() >= THREAD_COUNT && $pool->getIdleWorkerCount() === 0) {
yield Amp\Promise\first($loopRoutines);
$loopRoutines = [];
yield Amp\Promise\all($allCoroutines);
return yield $pool->shutdown();