I am in the part ( http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/6.6/chapter05/binutils-pass2.html) ( http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/6.6/chapter05/binutils-pass1.html)
they ask me to build binutils again? i dont understand should we delete the binutils-build directory we used in the begining and create a new one for this build??? and what is pass 1 and pass 2? i am confused :/
please help :)
You can't rush through this, I am NOT an lfs user (let alone an expert), and in 2 minutes of reading I found
Important After installing each package, delete its source and build directories, unless specifically instructed otherwise. Deleting the sources prevents mis-configuration when the same package is reinstalled later.
Pass1 builds a preliminary set of tools that work, Pass2 is building a set of tools that are optimized for your environment. Again, reread everything in chap5. Some experience with compilers is assumed.
Finally, from a comment by @yasouser on one of your previous questions,
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