I want to make a script with python for bash that returns 1 or 0, how can I do that? To make more clear I can give that example:
I am trying to do configurations for keepalived and it needs a script that returns 0 or 1 to check whether an application is running or not, but I have no idea how to make that script with python?
There is an example code but it uses .sh instead of .py, I want to make this with .py script:
vrrp_script chk_myscript {
script "/usr/local/bin/mycheckscript.sh" # the script must be .py
interval 2 # check every 2 seconds
fall 2 # require 2 failures for KO
rise 2 # require 2 successes for OK
sys.exit should do the trick
import sys
import sys