I'm trying to get my DIV to display only a horizontal scrollbar. I am filling up the DIV with lots of images, and only want the user to be able to scrol horizontally.
But I have two problems:
One tutorial I read gave me some code (which I no longer have), that says it will display the scrollbar. But it didn't. And it also made the images appear beneath each other. So I scrapped that code.
Another tutorial gave me the 'look' that I wanted, but without the scrollbars. But the scrollbars were supposed to appear!
How can I have a DIV, full of pics and a Horizontal Scrollbar?
Here's what I have so far:
CSS: (dude.css)
width: 500px
height: 407px;
HTML: (Index.html)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../Assets/CSS/dude.css" />
<div class="EditorialImagePaneOne">
<img src="../Assets/Images/Editorial/1-1.jpg" class="ShowcaseImage" />
<img src="../Assets/Images/Editorial/1-2.jpg" class="ShowcaseImage" />
<img src="../Assets/Images/Editorial/1-3.jpg" class="ShowcaseImage" />
<img src="../Assets/Images/Editorial/1-4.jpg" class="ShowcaseImage" />
<img src="../Assets/Images/Editorial/1-5.jpg" class="ShowcaseImage" />
<img src="../Assets/Images/Editorial/1-6.jpg" class="ShowcaseImage" />
<img src="../Assets/Images/Editorial/1-7.jpg" class="ShowcaseImage" />
<img src="../Assets/Images/Editorial/1-8.jpg" class="ShowcaseImage" />
Maybe you miss something like the DOCTYPE
in the page.. make sure to have this as the very first line in your code, above the <html>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">