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MS Access Date() syntax in query to SQL Server

I have found several posts on using the GETDATE() function for SQL Server linked table while in an Access front-end VBA procedure. Those posts are focused on the WHERE clause of the query, but I have been unable to find corresponding information on use of GETDATE() for column assignment.

For example, I understand that in the WHERE clause, I would use something like this:


However, I am getting syntax errors in VBA when I try to assign the current date to a column, like this:

INSERT INTO MyTable ( SomeValue, TheDate ) SELECT 'Widget' AS Expr1, CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) AS Expr2;

In this example, TheDate is defined as DateTime in SQL Server. Written like this, VBA reports "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)'. I tried to surround the expression with Access-friendly # date delimiters, but no luck there.

After spending about 30 minutes searching various ways for MS Access Date() in SQL, I have been unable to find this. However it is so simple I am sure it was already answered somewhere.


  • In MS Access you likely (not 100% sure for linked SQL, you have to experiment) should use Now() and Date() functions. First one is equivalent to getdate() in SQL, the second one returns current date without time.