In my Lumen application I am using the Lumen Passport package to protect my API endpoints.
My web.php has implemented the guard the following way:
$router->group(['middleware' => 'client.credentials'], function($request) use ($router) {
With each request a given Bearer Token is sent and validated.
My Problem is now, that I don't want to use the whole authentication system when writing my tests.
I defined a Base Testclass and have to do the follow for each single Test:
abstract class TestBase extends TestCase
public function setUp(): void
// Create my User in DB.
// Register a new passport client .
// Call the /api/oauth/token endpoint to get a valid token for the given client + user.
An example test looks like this:
public function get_getSomeData_validData()
$response = $this->call('GET', "/some/awesome/endpoint");
This works, but because I need to do this for each single test, this takes some time if you have a lot of tests.
Is there a possibility to ignore the middleware, if you call the api by yourself?
i guess you can simple use like Passport::actingAsClient($client);
for test
ref link
so you can use like this
$user = $this->createUserForTest();
Passport core code