I have a (small) decision tree that I want to plot using prp
. To avoid that the tree is streched very long, I use the option uniform=TRUE
. However, the main title of the graph is still located at the very top of the figure: In the same spot where it would be if uniform=FALSE
. The whole plotting function looks like this:
prp(dtree_85, main ="Decision Tree with 85 variables", extra=2, col=cols, border.col=cols, fallen.leaves=TRUE, branch=1, varlen=0, faclen=0, box.col=0, shadow.col="darkgray", leaf.round=3,
split.box.col=0, split.round=3, split.shadow.col="darkgray", split.border.col="black", branch.type=0, branch.tweak=0.5, uniform=TRUE)
Is there a nice way to solve this problem?
above is
, below is uniform=TRUE
You may want to shorten the device window you are drawing in.
png(file=..., height=360, ...)