I need to query across multiple (several) databases to see if there is a specific SQL Server Agent Job name on each. I would have thought that SEMICOLON characters would separate SQL statements, but no combination of them seems to work. Am I stuck with specifying `r`n
to separate statements? Is there a better way?
ForEach-Object {
& sqlcmd -S $_ -q "SELECT '$_', name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs SJ WHERE name = 'THE_JOB_NAME'`r`nGO`r`nEXIT"
A combination of what was mentioned by AdminOfThings and vonPryz:
$query = @"
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs SJ
$databases = @('DBDEV','DBTEST','DBPROD')
foreach ($database in $databases) {
Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance $_ -Database 'msdb' -Query $query