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Updating SQL Schema in Multiple SQL Databases at One Time

Our issue is we have an online application with personally identifiable data. We have sold this application to multiple customers and the law in their States says that the data MUST be physically in their State. So this is why we have the identical database (not identical data) in different locations.

Right now we use RedGate SQL Compare, but as we continue to grow, doing this eight, nine, ten times for every update (be it a small stored procedure bug fix or a larger change creating a new table) is becoming more and more inefficient. Marketing is telling us five more states are on the way.

We've looked into a RedGate method, but its more coding and troubleshooting than its worth.

So...any ideas how to update the SCHEMA from one to many databases?


  • There is a function in SQL Management Studio that works. In SMS use CTRL-ALT-G. This brings up 'Registered Servers'. Under Local Groups you can create groups. Say one for testing and one for live. You then right-click on the local group you created and choose "New Server Registration". Under General tab you give it a name and then in Connection Properties tab, you select just one database. Keeping adding "New Server Registrations" for each database you want in the group. When done, just right click on your Group and choose New Query. Anything you put in there will run on ALL the databases in the group. So, if all our databases are identical, and you need to make an update, use Redgate to do a Compare. Choose 'Create a Deployment Script' instead of 'Deploy Using SQL Compare' and copy the SQL. Right-click on the group and say "new query" paste and execute.