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How to unnest and pivot two columns in BigQuery

Say I have a BQ table containing the following information

id test.score
1 a 5
b 7
2 a 8
c 3

Where test is nested. How would I pivot test into the following table?

id a b c
1 5 7
2 8 3

I cannot pivot test directly, as I get the following error message at pivot(test): Table-valued function not found. Previous questions (1, 2) don't deal with nested columns or are outdated.

The following query looks like a useful first step:

select, t
from `table` as a,
unnest(test) as t

However, this just provides me with:

id test.score
1 a 5
1 b 7
2 a 8
2 c 3


  • Below is generic/dynamic way to handle your case

      SELECT """
      SELECT id, """ || 
        STRING_AGG("""MAX(IF(name = '""" || name || """', score, NULL)) AS """ || name, ', ') 
      || """
      FROM `project.dataset.table` t, t.test
      GROUP BY id
      FROM (
        SELECT DISTINCT name
        FROM `project.dataset.table` t, t.test
        ORDER BY name

    If to apply to sample data from your question - output is

    Row     id      a       b       c    
    1       1       5       7       null     
    2       2       8       null    3