For completeness this is a text summary of what I am trying to do:
I only need help with steps 1, 3, and 4. The style transfer process causes some slight differences to form in the processed tiles, so I need to blend them back together. By feathering I basically mean fading a tile into another to blur the boundaries (like in ImageMagick, Photoshop, etc...). I am trying to accomplish this blending by using Torch.linspace() to create masks, though I'm not sure if there's a better approach.
What I am trying to accomplish is based on/inspired by:, though I'm working with PyTorch. The code I am trying to implement tiling with can be found here:, though you shouldn't need to look at it as everything you need can be found below.
In essence this is what I am trying to do (red areas overlap with another tile):
This is what I have for code so far. Feathering and adding rows together is not yet implemented as I can't get the individual tile feathering working yet.
import torch
from PIL import Image
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
def tile_calc(tile_size, v, d):
max_val = max(min(tile_size*v+tile_size, d), 0)
min_val = tile_size*v
if abs(min_val - max_val) < tile_size:
min_val = max_val-tile_size
return min_val, max_val
def split_tensor(tensor, tile_size=256):
tiles, tile_idx = [], []
tile_size_y, tile_size_x = tile_size+8, tile_size +5 # Make H and W different for testing
h, w = tensor.size(2), tensor.size(3)
h_range, w_range = int(-(h // -tile_size_y)), int(-(w // -tile_size_x))
for y in range(h_range):
for x in range(w_range):
ty, y_val = tile_calc(tile_size_y, y, h)
tx, x_val = tile_calc(tile_size_x, x, w)
tiles.append(tensor[:, :, ty:y_val, tx:x_val])
tile_idx.append([ty, y_val, tx, x_val])
w_overlap = tile_idx[0][3] - tile_idx[1][2]
h_overlap = tile_idx[0][1] - tile_idx[w_range][0]
if tensor.is_cuda:
base_tensor = torch.zeros(tensor.squeeze(0).size(), device=tensor.get_device())
base_tensor = torch.zeros(tensor.squeeze(0).size())
return tiles, base_tensor.unsqueeze(0), (h_range, w_range), (h_overlap, w_overlap)
# Feather vertically
def feather_tiles(tensor_list, hxw, w_overlap):
mask_list = []
if w_overlap > 0:
for i, tile in enumerate(tensor_list):
if i % hxw[1] != 0:
lin_mask = torch.linspace(0,1,w_overlap).repeat(tile.size(2),1)
mask_part = torch.ones(tile.size(2), tile.size(3)-w_overlap)
mask =[lin_mask, mask_part], 1)
mask = mask.repeat(3,1,1).unsqueeze(0)
mask = torch.ones(tile.squeeze().size()).unsqueeze(0)
return mask_list
def build_row(tensor_tiles, tile_masks, hxw, w_overlap, bt, tile_size):
print(len(tensor_tiles), len(tile_masks))
if bt.is_cuda:
row_base = torch.ones(bt.size(1),tensor_tiles[0].size(2),bt.size(3), device=bt.get_device()).unsqueeze(0)
row_base = torch.ones(bt.size(1),tensor_tiles[0].size(2),bt.size(3)).unsqueeze(0)
row_list = []
for v in range(hxw[1]):
num_tiles = 0
row_val = 0
tile_size_y, tile_size_x = tile_size+8, tile_size +5
h, w = bt.size(2), bt.size(3)
h_range, w_range = hxw[0], hxw[1]
for y in range(h_range):
for x in range(w_range):
ty, y_val = tile_calc(tile_size_y, y, h)
tx, x_val = tile_calc(tile_size_x, x, w)
if num_tiles % hxw[1] != 0:
new_mean = (row_list[row_val][:, :, :, tx:x_val].mean() + tensor_tiles[num_tiles])/2
row_list[row_val][:, :, :, tx:x_val] = row_list[row_val][:, :, :, tx:x_val] - row_list[row_val][:, :, :, tx:x_val].mean()
tensor_tiles[num_tiles] = tensor_tiles[num_tiles] - tensor_tiles[num_tiles].mean()
row_list[row_val][:, :, :, tx:x_val] = (row_list[row_val][:, :, :, tx:x_val] + ( tensor_tiles[num_tiles] * tile_masks[num_tiles])) + new_mean
row_list[row_val][:, :, :, tx:x_val] = tensor_tiles[num_tiles]
return row_list
def preprocess(image_name, image_size):
image ='RGB')
if type(image_size) is not tuple:
image_size = tuple([int((float(image_size) / max(image.size))*x) for x in (image.height, image.width)])
Loader = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(image_size), transforms.ToTensor()])
tensor = (Loader(image) * 256).unsqueeze(0)
return tensor
def deprocess(output_tensor):
output_tensor = output_tensor.squeeze(0).cpu() / 256
output_tensor.clamp_(0, 1)
Image2PIL = transforms.ToPILImage()
image = Image2PIL(output_tensor.cpu())
return image
input_tensor = preprocess('test.jpg', 256)
tile_tensors, base_t, hxw, ovlp = split_tensor(input_tensor, 128)
tile_masks = feather_tiles(tile_tensors, hxw, ovlp[1])
row_tensors = build_row(tile_tensors, tile_masks, hxw, ovlp[1], base_t, 128)
ft = deprocess(row_tensors[0]) # save tensor to view it'ft_row_0.png')
I was able to create a solution here that works for any tile size, image size, and pattern:
I used masks to blend the tiles back together again.