Is there a way to do conditional concatenation of a string. For instance, if the string has a value then add it, but if the string is null then don't. I am creating a long string that will become the body of an email message. The "" field may have a value or may be null. I want to include the line in the email only if it has a value, but not display the "Company Name:" line if it doesn't. ++ ", " ++ payload.eachRecipient.state ++ " " ++ payload.eachRecipient.zipCode ++ "\n\n" ++
("Company Name: " ++ (if ++ "\n" ++ "ID: " ++ payload.eachRecipient.sson ++ "\n" ++ "System Order Number: " ++ payload.eachRecipient.orderNum ++ "\n\n" ++
"Shipping Method: " ++ payload.eachRecipient.ShipVia ++ "\n\n" ++ "Order Summary:\n" ++ (vars.listOfMaterials.combinedString joinBy("\n")) ++
I wrote a function that takes the string that will be checked for a null value, anything you want to add to the front and anything you want to add to the back:
fun checkNull(aString, aFront, aBack) =
if (aString == null)
aFront ++ aString ++ aBack
The result of the function is concatenated into the longer string:
(checkNull(, "Company Name: ", "\n"))
checkNull(payload.eachRecipient.line2, "", "\n\t")