I need to encrypt some columns using AES-256 key, I have checked an official documentation of pgcrypto. But their examples makes me mad.
For instance I have database looks like this.
id first_name last_name is_active
0 John last_name 1 True
1 David last_name 2 False
2 Vincent last_name 3 True
3 Dean last_name 5 False
I have tried something like this:
UPDATE my_table SET first_name = ENCRYPT(user_name, 'my_encryption_key')
I need to encrypt the the first_name and last_name columns. How can I implement that??
Thanks, qwew
Use the pgp_sym_XXX()
functions with either armor()
or encode()
to get base-64:
update my_table
set first_name = armor(
pgp_sym_encrypt(first_name, 'your_key', 'cipher-algo=aes256')
last_name = armor(
pgp_sym_encrypt(last_name, 'your_key', 'cipher-algo=aes256')
AES-256 is slow, so it may take a long time to run against your whole table.
To decrypt:
select pgp_sym_decrypt(dearmor(last_name), 'your_key', 'cipher-algo=aes256')
from my_table;