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Sonos API sends too short auth code in return?

Turning to all you smart people out there for help, tips and trix :)

I want to connect my NodeRed instance to the Sonos API to control my speakers in various ways. During the OAUTH process however, after logging in with my username and password for my account, the auth code being sent back to me through my redirect_uri seems to be too short? In the developers' guide the example auth code looks like this: f10072fa6-2134-4fe1-93fd-ca5b9cffa738 where in my case, I just receive the first part up until the first dash sign. Eg.:f10072fa6

At first I ran the connection through a NetScaler, then I changed to using a Nginx Reverse Proxy thinking that the Netscaler might have truncated the URL (for some very odd reason), but the result turned out the same..

Ideas anyone?


  • The Authorization code you received is correct. The Authorization code format was recently changed and the documentation needs to be updated to reflect this. This question was also answered in Authorization code has different structure than example code.

    Thanks! -Mark