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Json to list of objects with marshmellow Python

I have json with data about my object I created schema for serialize it into list of objects, but it isn't work


from marshmellow import fields, Schema

class ContactSchema(Schema):
    first_name = fields.String(attribute="ftNm")
    last_name = fields.String(attribute="ltNm")
    phone = fields.Integer(attribute="pn")


class Contact:
    id: int
    first_name: str
    last_name: str
    phone: str

And i have a function to convert (but is not working)

def json_to_list():
    json = [{'ftNm': 'Name1', 'ltNm': 'Surname1', 'pn': 343434},
            {'ftNm': 'Name2', 'ltNm': 'Surname2', 'pn': 141414}, 
            {'ftNm': 'Name3', 'ltNm': 'Surname3', 'pn': 656565}]

    schema = ContactSchema()
    result = schema.dump(json)

I will appreciate if someone help me with function to convert json to list of objects


  • I'm not exactly sure what your intentions are. However, serialization and deserialization are possible in the following ways.

    Serialization and deserialization with renaming of the attributes specified by the variable names.

    from marshmallow import Schema, fields
    class ContactSchema(Schema):
        first_name = fields.Str(attribute="ftNm", data_key="ftNm")
        last_name = fields.Str(attribute="ltNm", data_key="ltNm")
        phone = fields.Integer(attribute="pn", data_key="pn")
    # serialization to json
    def from_list():
        data = [
            {'ftNm': 'Name1', 'ltNm': 'Surname1', 'pn': 343434},
            {'ftNm': 'Name2', 'ltNm': 'Surname2', 'pn': 141414},
            {'ftNm': 'Name3', 'ltNm': 'Surname3', 'pn': 656565}
        schema = ContactSchema(many=True)
        return schema.dump(data)
    # deserialization from json
    def to_list():
        json = [
            {'ftNm': 'Name1', 'ltNm': 'Surname1', 'pn': 343434},
            {'ftNm': 'Name2', 'ltNm': 'Surname2', 'pn': 141414},
            {'ftNm': 'Name3', 'ltNm': 'Surname3', 'pn': 656565}
        schema = ContactSchema(many=True)
        return schema.load(json)

    Deserialization without renaming of the attributes specified by the variable names.

    class ContactSchema(Schema):
        first_name = fields.Str(attribute="ftNm")
        last_name = fields.Str(attribute="ltNm")
        phone = fields.Integer(attribute="pn")
    # deserialization from json
    def to_list():
        json = [
            {'first_name': 'Name1', 'last_name': 'Surname1', 'phone': 343434},
            {'first_name': 'Name2', 'last_name': 'Surname2', 'phone': 141414},
            {'first_name': 'Name3', 'last_name': 'Surname3', 'phone': 656565}
        schema = ContactSchema(many=True)
        return schema.load(json)

    The direction of the conversion may not be indicated correctly.

    from marshmallow import Schema, fields, post_load
    from dataclasses import dataclass
    class Contact:
        # id: int
        first_name: str
        last_name: str
        phone: str
    class ContactSchema(Schema):
        first_name = fields.Str(data_key="ftNm")
        last_name = fields.Str(data_key="ltNm")
        phone = fields.Integer(data_key="pn")
        def make_user(self, data, **kwargs):
            return Contact(**data)
    # deserialization from json
    def to_list():
        json = [
            {'ftNm': 'Name1', 'ltNm': 'Surname1', 'pn': 343434},
            {'ftNm': 'Name2', 'ltNm': 'Surname2', 'pn': 141414},
            {'ftNm': 'Name3', 'ltNm': 'Surname3', 'pn': 656565}
        schema = ContactSchema(many=True)
        return schema.load(json)

    To serialize and deserialize a database model, I recommend flask-marshmallow and marshmallow-sqlalchemy.