Is there a way to include open-ended/free-form questions that are ungraded or skipped by r-exams?
Use case: we want to have an exam with mostly multiple choice questions using the package and its grading capability, but also have 5-10 open ended questions that are printed in the same exam. Ideally, r-exams would provide the grade for the first MCQ section, and we could manually add the grade of the open-ended questions.
I forked the package and made some small changes that allows one to control how many questions are printed on the first page and to remove the string-question pages.
The new parameters are number_of_closed_questions
and include_string_pages
. It is far away from being ideal, but works for me.
As an example let us have 6 mpc/single-choice questions and one essay question (essayreg):
# install devtools if you do not have it!
# install the fork
myexam <- list(
c("boxplots.Rnw", "scatterplot.Rnw"),
ex1 <- exams2nops(myexam, n = 2,
dir = "nops_pdf", name = "demo", date = "2015-07-29",
number_of_closed_questions = 6, include_string_pages = FALSE)
This will produce only 6 questions on the front page (instead of 7) and will also exclude the string-question pages.
If you want normal behavior, just exclude the new parameters. Obviously, one will have to set the number of closed questions manually, so one should be really careful.
I guess one could automatically detect how many string questions are loaded and from this determine the number of open-ended/closed-ended questions, but I currently do not have the time to write this and the presented solution is usable for my case.
I am not 100% sure that the scans will work this way, but I assume there should not be any bigger problems as I did not really change much. Maybe Achim Zeileis could comment on that? See my commit: