I'm encountering an issue that I don't understand, extract of config of td-agent:
@type gelf
tag gelf-nr
@type json
port 12201
<match gelf-nr**>
@type copy
@type stdout
@type newrelic
the output plugin newrelic is always complaining gelf failed to emit error="time must be a Fluent::EventTime (or Integer): Float" error_class="ArgumentError
I tried to edit the field timestamp of the json to nanosecond, but it's not this one which cause the issue. Extract of the message:
2020-09-22 10:00:18.135967969 +0200 gelf-nr: {"version":"1.0","host":"plop-01.stag-21","message":"TEST log plop","level":3,"facility":"plop.log","misc":{"reason":"test erreur","status_code":400,"quote_ids":[1234,5678]},"timestamp":"1600761476000000000","subject"...
I'm suspecting that the issue is the initial 2020-09-22 10:00:18.135967969 +0200. What do you think ? Could you help?
Get rid of nanoseconds, apparently bug in NR output plugin (outdated implementation) :
<filter **>
@type record_modifier
timestamp "${timestamp.to_datetime.iso8601(6)}"
<match **>