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Nightmare Expression Tree with over-constrained class

I inadvertently let my students overconstrain a shared class used to solve the following problem. I realized it might be a problem denizens of this site might enjoy.

The first team/function, getNodes, takes a string representing a prefix expression using signed integers and the four operations +, -, *, and / and produces the corresponding null terminated linked list of tokens, using the class Node, with tokens linked through the "right" pointer.

The second team/function, getTree, takes a similar string, passes it to getNodes, and relinks the resultant nodes to be an expression tree.

The third team/function, evaluate, takes a similar string, passes it to getTree, and evaluates the resultant expression tree to form an answer.

The over-constrained exptree.h follows. The problem has to be solved by writing just the three functions defined above, no additional functions.

#ifndef EXPTREE_H_
#define EXPTREE_H_

using namespace std;

enum Ops{ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, NUM};

class Node {
        int num;
        Ops op;
        Node *left, *right;

        friend Node *getNodes(string d);
        friend Node *getTree(string d);
        friend int evaluate (string);

int evaluate(string d);
Node *getNodes(string d);
Node *getTree(string d);

The only libraries that can be used are these

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "exptree.h" 

For those of you worried about my students, I will be pointing out today how just a couple of more well placed functions would allow this problem to be easily solved. I know the expression tree can code rational numbers and not just integers. I'll be pointing that out today as well.

Here is the driver program I gave them based on their specs.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "exptree.h"
using namespace std;
void test(string s, int target) {
    int result = evaluate(s);
    if (result == target)
        cout << s << " correctly evaluates to " << target << endl;
        cout << s << "(" << result 
             << ") incorrectly evaluates to " << target << endl;
int main() {
    test("42", 42);
    test("* - / 4 2 1 42", 42);
    test("* - / -4 +2 -1 2", -2);
    test("* - / -4 +2 -1 2            ", -2);
    test("* 9 6", 54);
    return 0;

Can you write the three functions in as elegant a fashion as possible to solve this nightmarish problem?


  • For what its worth, here is the solution I coded up just before I posted the question

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include "exptree.h"
    using namespace std;
    Node *getNodes(string s) {
        const int MAXINT =(int)(((unsigned int)-1) >> 1), MININT = -MAXINT -1;
        Node *list;
        int sign, num;
        s += " ";                                                   // this simplifies a lot of logic, allows trailing white space to always close off an integer
        list = (Node *) (num = sign = 0);
        for (int i=0; i<s.size(); ++i) {
            char c = s[i];                                          // more efficient and cleaner reference to the current character under scrutiny
            if (isdigit(c)) {
                if (sign == 0) sign = 1;                            // if sign not set, then set it. A blank with a sign==0 now signifies a blank that can be skipped
                num = 10*num + c - '0';
            } else if (((c=='+') || (c=='-')) && isdigit(s[i+1])) { // another advantage of adding blank to string above so don't need a special case
                sign = (c=='+') ? 1 : -1;
            } else if ( !isspace(c) &&  (c != '+')  && (c != '-')  && (c != '*')  && (c != '/')) {
                cout << "unexpected character " << c << endl;
            } else if  (!isspace(c) || (sign != 0)) {                                                       // have enough info to create next Node
                list->left = (list == 0) ? (list = new Node) : (list->left->right = new Node);              // make sure left pointer of first Node points to last Node
                list->left->right = 0;                                                                      // make sure list is still null terminated
                list->left->op = (c=='+' ? ADD : (c=='-' ? SUB : (c=='*' ? MUL : (c=='/' ? DIV : NUM))));   // choose right enumerated type
                list->left->num = (list->left->op==NUM) ? sign*num : MININT;                                // if interior node mark number for evaluate function
                num = sign = 0;                                                                             // prepare for next Node
        return list;
    Node *getTree(string s) {
        Node *nodes = getNodes(s), *tree=0, *root, *node;
        vector<Node *> stack;
        if (nodes == 0) return tree;
        root = tree = nodes;
        nodes = nodes->right;
        for (node=nodes; node != 0; node=nodes) {
            nodes = nodes->right;
            if (root->op != NUM) {              // push interior operator Node on stack til time to point to its right tree
                root = (root->left = node);     // set interior operator Node's left tree and prepare to process that left tree
            } else {                            
                root->left = root->right = 0;   // got a leaf number Node so finish it off
                if (stack.size() == 0) break;
                root = stack.back();            // now pop operator Node off the stack
                root = (root->right = node);    // set its left tree and prepare to process that left tree
        if ((stack.size() != 0) || (nodes != 0)) {
            cout << "prefix expression has missing or extra terms" << endl;
        return tree;
    int evaluate(string s) {
        // MININT is reserved value signifying operator waiting for a left side value, low inpact since at edge of representable integers
        const int MAXINT =(int)(((unsigned int)-1) >> 1), MININT = -MAXINT -1;
        Node *tree = getTree(s);
        vector<Node *> stack;
        int v = 0;                              // this is value of a leaf node (a number) or the result of evaluating an interior node
        if (tree == 0) return v;
        do {
            v = tree->num;
            if (tree->op != NUM) {
                tree = tree->left;              // prepare to process the left subtree      
            } else while (stack.size() != 0) {  // this while loop zooms us up the right side as far as we can go (till we come up left side or are done)
                delete tree;                    // done with leaf node or an interior node we just finished evaluating
                tree = stack.back();            // get last interior node from stack
                if (tree->num == MININT) {      // means returning up left side of node, so save result for later
                    tree->num = v;
                    tree = tree->right;         // prepare to evaluate the right subtree
                    break;                      // leave the "else while" for the outer "do while" which handles evaluating an expression tree
                } else {                        // coming up right side of an interior node (time to calculate)
                    stack.pop_back();           // all done with interior node
                    v = tree->op==ADD ? tree->num+v : (tree->op==SUB ? tree->num-v : (tree->op==MUL ? tree->num*v : tree->num/v)) ;
        } while (stack.size() != 0);
        return v;