I have a pandas data frame with three columns, and I want to highlight the cells in a specific column that meet a certain condition using pygsheets. How can I do that?
some_text 65 some_text
def color_my_cell(var):
for i in wks.range('B3:B30'):
if var < 70:
wks.cell( NOT SURE what to do here).color = (1.0,0,1.0,1.0)
df['B'] = df['B'].apply(color_my_cell)
So, for any cells in B < 70, highlight cells blue.
you cant apply formats in df directly. you can do this by coloring cells by acessing each cell and setting color. but i think in your case whats more appropriate is conditional formatting. something like shown below. below code might not be exatly what you require refer to here and here
request = {"AddConditionalFormatRuleRequest": {
"ranges":[GridRange(worksheet=wks, start='B3', end='B30').to_json()],
"booleanRule": {
"condition":{"type::'NUMBER_GREATER', 'values': 70},
"format":{"backgroundColor":{"color": {"green": 0.8,},}}}},
ssheet.custom_request(request, "*")