In some (if not all) vagrant boxes, you can see some kind of welcome text/splash ascii/text available. which can be seen when you do vagrant ssh
into the server. How can one implement this on creating a custom vagrant box? or modifying a already created vagrant box?
It's called MOTD, (Message of the Day).
Located in /etc/motd
If you want to edit the content, use the text editor you preferred. I'm using nano.
sudo nano /etc/motd
Insert the text you need to put in, and save the file (ctrl+O in nano).
P.S: By default, /etc/motd
is linked to /var/run/motd
and it resets every time you login. To make permanent changes, you should first remove the current file and then create a new one. follow the below steps:
1. sudo rm /etc/motd
2. sudo nano /etc/motd
then write and save the file.