My situation is the following: I have about 7k images (they are all the same resolution) that I need to crop with an offset of 2px x 2px y how can I archive this? I already figured out how to run the command for every image in the directory.
I have also tried running
convert image.jpg -crop 97x97 cropped.jpg
It has no offset and it spits out several images instead of just the first cropped one.
You should find this works:
convert INPUT.JPG -crop 97x97+2+2 RESULT.JPG
If so, make a copy of a few files in a spare directory and try with:
cd spare
mogrify -crop 97x97+2+2 *.jpg
Or, if you want them done faster, use GNU Parallel:
cd spare
parallel mogrify -crop 97x97+2+2 {} ::: *.jpg