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Visual Studio C# HttpClient GET Request doesnt display textfile lines correctly

I'm having an issue with HttpClient in Visual Studio C#.

I was trying to make a GetStringAsync request with HttpClient but the response is not formatted as expected.

The request is like phpfile.php?readmode=yes, it displays the text file response but it is not formatted well as shown below:


but it displays:


I searched the internet for almost 2 hours and I am still confused, here is the code

string url = URL;
var responseString = await client.GetStringAsync(url);

and then I am adding it to a textbox (as this is some kind of msg client):

f1.msglog.Text = f1.msglog.Text + Environment.NewLine + responseString.ToString();


  • It could be an issue with different types of line endings. Try standardizing the line endings with this:

    responseString.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\r", "\n").Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine)

    By the way, don't call ToString. This was already a string, so calling ToString does nothing.