I'm trying to serve a yesod application as a CGI (or FastCGI) program but Apache shows me a 500 error:
[Mon Sep 21 17:35:41.425565 2020] [http:error] [pid 2758] [client] AH02429: Response header name '21/Sep/2020' contains invalid characters, aborting request
Starting with a new template with stack new project yesodweb/sqlite
, I've tried to convert it to a CGI program by changing src/Application.hs
I've imported the Wai CGI library with
import Network.Wai.Handler.CGI (run)
and changed the last line of appMain
to run app
-- | The @main@ function for an executable running this site.
appMain :: IO ()
appMain = do
-- Get the settings from all relevant sources
settings <- loadYamlSettingsArgs
-- fall back to compile-time values, set to [] to require values at runtime
-- allow environment variables to override
-- Generate the foundation from the settings
foundation <- makeFoundation settings
-- Generate a WAI Application from the foundation
app <- makeApplication foundation
-- Run the application with Warp
--runSettings (warpSettings foundation) app
run app
I thought this was the minimal change to serve it as a CGI program but apparently is not working.
I've already looked into yesod's book chapter on deploying your Webapp which has been handy to write the apropriate Apache configuration so the server could ran the app. It says nothing about the nedded changes to the app code which I presume is where the problem is.
I've also checked this stackoverflow question but it's from almost 8 years ago so it's outdated now.
The problem is that the default makeFoundation
logs to standard output, which is also where the CGI program is supposed to send its response, so you're getting intermingling of response headers with log output, and Apache tries to parse log lines as HTTP headers, etc.
If you replace newStdoutLoggerSet
with newStderrLoggerSet
, it should work, and the log output will end up in Apache's "error.log" or equivalent.