I recently started using bloc and im stuck here.
I have a state:
class BasketState extends Equatable{
final Map<Item, int> itemsOrdered;
List<Object> get props => [itemsOrdered]
And the following bloc:
class BasketBloc extends Bloc<BasketEvent, BasketState> {
Map<Item, int> _itemsOrdered = {};
BasketBloc() : super(BasketState({}));
Stream<BasketState> mapEventToState(BasketEvent event) async* {
if (event is BasketAdd) {
_itemsOrdered.putIfAbsent(event.item, () => event.amount);
} else if (event is BasketRemove) {
yield BasketState(_itemsOrdered);
Only the first time I send the BasketAdd event the bloc emits the state, then if I send the BasketAdd event again, the bloc emits nothing.
The only thing that worked is to remove the Equatable from the state, and I dont know why.
Am I doing something wrong?
Equatable is using that get props function to do the comparison.
List<Object> get props => throw UnimplementedError();
List<Object> get props => [itemsOrdered];
and try again
EDIT: The answer is in the comments now but another possible problem is mutability. In this case, rather than yielding itemsOrdered we should yield a new Map each time.
yield BasketState(new Map<Item, int>.from(itemsOrdered));