I want to develop an application in which i want to display restaurants nearby the user.
Say for example i want to display name and address of restaurants located within 3km related to current location of the android device..
I have done alot of reading online and found different links here on stackoverflow.com I am aware that I must use the GOOGLE PLACES API, I found this link to this blog on this site Introducing the Google Places API
My problem is how to use android/Java to: 1. Send a request to this url : "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/json?location=-33.8670522,151.1957362&radius=500&types=food&name=harbour&sensor=false&key=MYAPIKEY" 2. Then parse the XML or JSON results from this request and display them in a list for the user to see.
Thank you in advance for anyone that can help.
You may want to look at some online tutorials like for instance http://blog.brianbuikema.com/2010/08/android-development-part-1-using-googles-places-api-to-develop-compelling-location-based-mobile-applications/