I am using scala 2.11 with scalatest 2.11. I am trying to mock a class for unit test a class.
Vector class has a method "vectorSum" that adds 2 vectors and returns the resulting vector.
package com.unitTestDemo
class Vector(d_x:Int,d_y:Int,d_z:Int) {
var x = d_x
var y = d_y
var z = d_z
def vectorSum(second:Vector): Vector = {
var result = new Vector(0,0,0)
result.x = x + second.x
result.y = y + second.y
result.z = z + second.z
return result
VectorUtil class has a method "findMaxVectorSum" that takes an Array of vectors and returns pair of array indexes that has highest sum. VectorUtil.scala
package com.unitTestDemo
class VectorUtil {
def findMaxVectorSum(vectorArray:Array[Vector]): Unit ={
var max = 0.0
var returnI = 0
var returnj = 0
for(i <- 0 to vectorArray.length-2){
for(j <- i+1 to vectorArray.length-1){
var temp = vectorArray(i)vectorSum(vectorArray(j))
var tempMax = math.sqrt(temp.x*temp.x + temp.y*temp.y + temp.z*temp.z)
if(tempMax > max) {
max = tempMax
returnI = i
returnj = j
return (returnI,returnj)
In VectorUtilTest, I am trying to mock the Vector class and test the findMaxVectorSum method.
package com.unitTestDemo
import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers._
import org.mockito.Mockito
import org.mockito.Mockito.when
import org.mockito.MockitoSugar.verify
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
class VectorUtilTest extends FunSuite with MockitoSugar with Matchers{
test("testFindMaxVectorSum") {
val vectorArray:Array[Vector] = new Array[Vector](3)
vectorArray(0) = new Vector(1,2,3)
vectorArray(1) = new Vector(2,3,4)
vectorArray(2) = new Vector(3,4,5)
val temp = new Vector(1,1,1)
val mockVector = mock[Vector]
val vectorUtil = new VectorUtil()
But when I run this test method, I get output as follows:
Wanted but not invoked:
-> at com.unitTestDemo.VectorUtilTest$$anonfun$1.apply(VectorUtilTest.scala:26)
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
I have wasted way too much time on this and I am very frustrated now. Can anybody please assist me with this?
Thank you very much in advance.
The issue here, as described in your error, is that mockVector.vectorSum
was not called. When calling:
Mockito expects to find a call on the mocked instance. As we can see in your test code, the mocked vector did not go to the findMaxVectorSum
, hence did not call vectorSum
. I am not sure what exactly you are trying to test here, but maybe you should add the mocked vector into the array.
For example, a passing test will be:
test("testFindMaxVectorSum") {
val temp = new Vector(1,1,1)
val mockVector = mock[Vector]
val vectorArray:Array[Vector] = new Array[Vector](4)
vectorArray(0) = mockVector
vectorArray(1) = new Vector(1,2,3)
vectorArray(2) = new Vector(2,3,4)
vectorArray(3) = new Vector(3,4,5)
val vectorUtil = new VectorUtil()
In addition, you'd probably want to read When is it okay to use “var” in Scala? and Return in Scala