Is background threading managed automatically with PagingData
as it is with PagedList
, and then returned on the main thread?
From the logs below, it appears PagingData
is not run on the backgroud thread in the Paging 3 library compared to PagedList
in Paging 2's library.
Expect (Based on the Paging Codelab sample)
override suspend fun load(...)
to run on an IO thread.viewModel.searchRepo(query).collectLatest { ... }
to run on the main thread.Observe
override suspend fun load(...)
and SearchRepositoriesActivity viewModel.searchRepo(query).collectLatest { ... }
run on the main thread.Threading is handled on the background by PagedList
with toLiveData
according to the documentation.
If you use LivePagedListBuilder to get a LiveData, it will initialize PagedLists on a background thread for you.
The Paging 3 documentation does not mention how threading is managed. However, from the logs, PagingSource
appears to be running the network request on a main thread and returning the PagingData
on a main thread.
I've recreated the Codelab pattern in the CryptoTweets sample app app-simple module.
class FeedPagingSource : PagingSource<Int, Tweet>() {
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, Tweet> {
try {
val page = params.key ?: 1
val nextPage = page + 1
val tweets = Injection.feedService.getTweets(...)
println("Thread: FeedPagingSource ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
Log.v(LOG_TAG, "load success: ${tweets}")
return LoadResult.Page(...)
} catch (error: Exception) {
class FeedRepository {
fun initFeed() = Pager(
config = PagingConfig(pageSize = FEED_PAGEDLIST_SIZE),
pagingSourceFactory = { FeedPagingSource() }
repository.initFeed().onEach {
println("Thread: FeedViewModel ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
_feed.value = it
In order to run the PagingSource
on a background thread, the flow is initiated on Dispatchers.IO
. However, the log still shows PagingSource
runs on the main thread in FeedPagingSource.kt.
repository.initFeed().onEach {
println("Thread: FeedViewModel ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
_feed.value = it
When implementing PagingData
and PagingSource
with Kotlin Coroutines and making a Retrofit network request, as in the sample code above, Retrofit handles the background threading by default and returns on the main thread.
See StackOverflow: Does Retrofit make network calls on main thread?
When using RxJava with Retrofit as the network source, the threading needs to be explicitly specified as shown in the Android documentation sample.
See Android documentation: Page from network and database > Implement a RemoteMediator