Search code examples

Why I can't push data into an array inside block page.evaluate puppeteer crawler?

var codes = [];    
await page.evaluate((codes) => {
    $(".offers-details").each(function (i, e) {
        if ($(e).find('.coupon-code').length > 0) {
            console.log($(e).find('.coupon-code .btn-copy').attr('data-clipboard-text'));
            codes.push($(e).find('.coupon-code .btn-copy').attr('data-clipboard-text'));
}, codes);

How to use jQuery outside page.evaluate() in handlePageFunction? I only want to use jQuery here.
It's not working when I use it in handlePageFunction. How to resolve it?


  • page.evaluate is a Puppeteer function that executes inside the browser, that's how you get to access the global $ variable (that is attached to the window variable).

    While you can't use jQuery outside of the browser, you can use all the selectors functions from Puppeteer:


    • page.$ for single elements (returns null if not found)
    • page.$$ for multiple elements (always return an array)

    You can manipulate/read/interact with the return types of those functions, in your case, would be something like this (not tested!):

      const offersDetails = await page.$$(".offers-details");
      const codes = [];
      for (const offerDetail of offersDetails) {
         const couponCode = await offerDetail.$('.coupon-code');
         if (couponCode) {
           const cpText = await couponCode.$eval('.btn-copy', (el) => el.attributes('data-clipboard-text'));

    notice that all page functions are async, and needs to be awaited.

    A second way to do this is to return arrays from the page.evaluate, which is simpler.

    const codes = await page.evaluate(() => {
       const codes = [];
       // code here
       return codes;