I have the following prod.conf, containing the relevant information on how to connect to my PostgresSql DB.
slick.dbs.default {
profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$"
db.dataSourceClass = "slick.jdbc.DatabaseUrlDataSource"
db.numThreads = 8
maxConnections = 8
My Dockerfile looks like this
RUN sbt stage
RUN cd target/universal/stage/bin
ENTRYPOINT ["target/universal/stage/bin/newsapi", "-Dplay.http.secret.key=KEY -Dconfig.resource=prod.conf"]
With the -Dconfig.resource=prod.conf
the application should start using the prod.conf
and not the application.conf
, right?
But when the application gets deployed it still uses a h2 database which is not part of the prod.conf
and configured in the application.conf
I dont get any warnings that the prod.conf
could not be found/loaded or that the connection to the db could not be established.
What is the right way to solve this issue and is my db-url correct?
As a bit of context the postgresql db runs as a docker image as well as the play-applications. Bot are in the same network.
The -Dconfig.resource
flag needs to be passed to the JVM, but you are passing it to your application instead.
If you're using sbt-native-packager (which Play uses by default), you should be able to pass the flag to the JVM by prefixing it with -J. So you need to pass -J-Dconfig.resource=prod.conf
Here is the relevant documentation: https://www.scala-sbt.org/sbt-native-packager/archetypes/java_app/customize.html#via-build-sbt
By the way, there is also a Docker plugin for sbt-native-packager. https://www.scala-sbt.org/sbt-native-packager/formats/docker.html I recommend you use it instead of writing Dockerfiles manually.