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'Sorry, that page does not exist.' code 34 for lists/statuses in Twitter API

What i think that i am doing right. but it constantly giving me error for the call. Do i have to setup a dev enviroment for lists/statuses in twitter settings or there is anything else need to be done in settings page.


[ { code: 34, message: 'Sorry, that page does not exist.' } ]

The Code

var Twitter = require("twitter");

var client = new Twitter({
  consumer_key: "", //Removed it
  consumer_secret: "",
  access_token_key: "",
  access_token_secret: "",
  var params = {
  list_id: some_id, // Removed it
  include_rts: false,
  exclude_replies: true,

  .get("lists/statuses", params)
  .then((data) => {
  .catch((err) => {

It works for lists/list but it doesn't work for lists/statuses...


  • There is no exclude_replies in param option. You should do

    var params = {
      list_id: some_id, // Removed it
      include_rts: false,

    This will work...