Objective: I'm trying to create an ordered list of items that are ranked based on how close they are with a test item.
I have 1 test item with 10 attributes and 250,000 items with 10 attributes. I want a list that ranks the 250,000 items. For example, if the resulting list came back [10,50,21,11,10000....] than the item with index 10 would be closest to my test item, index 50 is second closest to my test item, etc.
What I have tried works for small dataframes but not larger dataframes:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
similarity_matrix = pd.np.random.rand(4,4)
#4 items with the first being the test
#0.727048 0.113704 0.886672 0.0345438
#0.496636 0.678949 0.0627973 0.547752
#0.641021 0.498811 0.628728 0.575058
#0.760778 0.955595 0.646792 0.126714
#creates the cosine similarity matrix
winner = cosine_similarity(similarity_matrix)
#I just need the first row, how similar each item is to the test, I'm excluding how similar the test is to the test
winner = np.argsort(winner[0:1,1:])
#I want to reverse the order and add one so the list matches the original index
winner = np.flip(winner) +1
Unfortunately, with 250,000 I get the following error "MemoryError: Unable to allocate 339. GiB for an array with shape (250000, 250000) and data type float64"
Instead of creating a 250000X250000 matrix I really only need the first row. Is there another way of doing this?
If you call cosine_similarity with a second argument it will only compute the distance against the second array.
An example with random vectors
x = np.random.rand(5,2)
With one argument
array([[1. , 0.95278802, 0.93496787, 0.45860786, 0.62841819],
[0.95278802, 1. , 0.99853581, 0.70677904, 0.8349406 ],
[0.93496787, 0.99853581, 1. , 0.74401257, 0.86348853],
[0.45860786, 0.70677904, 0.74401257, 1. , 0.979448 ],
[0.62841819, 0.8349406 , 0.86348853, 0.979448 , 1. ]])
With the first vector as second argument
cosine_similarity(x, [x[0]])
array([[1. ],
If you're still running out of memory you can compute the distance in chunks
chunks = 4
[cosine_similarity(i, [x[0]]) for i in np.array_split(x, chunks)]
array([[1. ],