I have two vertices (a) and (b) and I want to recursively split them at their midpoints.
The pattern looks like this:
For this specific depth I can write it like this:
a_b = self.abfn( a, b)
ab_b = self.abfn( a_b, b)
a_ab = self.abfn( a, a_b)
abb_b = self.abfn(ab_b, b)
ab_abb = self.abfn( a_b, ab_b)
a_aab = self.abfn( a, a_ab)
aab_ab = self.abfn(a_ab, a_b)
However I want to write it such that I can define a depth and repeatedly split to that depth. The one caveat is I do not want to use recursive functions
How can I iterate in this manner?
I'm using python but the language doesn't really matter.
You could use this code:
def midpoint(a, b):
return ((a[0] + b[0]) / 2, (a[1] + b[1]) / 2)
def abfn(a, b, depth):
vertices = [a, b]
for _ in range(depth):
nextlevel = vertices[:1]
for a, b in zip(vertices, vertices[1:]): # all consecutive pairs
mid = midpoint(a, b)
nextlevel.extend((mid, b))
vertices = nextlevel
return vertices
Example call:
a = (0, 100)
b = (0, 200)
vertices = abfn(a, b, 2)
[(0, 100), (0.0, 125.0), (0.0, 150.0), (0.0, 175.0), (0, 200)]