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VS 2019 custom code snippet with literals not expanding correctly

I write a lot of configuration code. I built this snippet to make all of that repetitive code quicker to write. But it doesn't expand correctly.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CodeSnippets xmlns="">
    <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
            <Title>New Configuration Property</Title>
                    <ToolTip>The name of the element property in the .config file</ToolTip>
                    <ToolTip>The name of the class property</ToolTip>
            <Code Language="CSharp" kind="" delimiter="$">
                <![CDATA[[ConfigurationProperty("$ConfigName$", IsRequired = true)]
public string $PropertyName$
    get { return (string)this["$ConfigName$"]; }
    set { this["$ConfigName$"] = value; }

And this is what the output looks like.

        [ConfigurationProperty("", IsRequired = true)]
        public string 
    get { return (string) this[""]; }
        set { this[""] = value; }

There are no prompts for the literals. Any suggestions?


  • Just make it easy and simple by doing it like:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <CodeSnippets xmlns="">
          <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
              <Title>New Configuration Property</Title>
                  <ToolTip>The name of the element property in the .config file</ToolTip>
                  <ToolTip>The name of the class property</ToolTip>
              <Code Language="csharp">
                <![CDATA[[ConfigurationProperty("$ConfigName$", IsRequired = true)]
        public string $PropertyName$
            get { return (string)this["$ConfigName$"]; }
            set { this["$ConfigName$"] = value; }
       $selected$ $end$]]>

    You dont need the two parts = kind="" delimiter="$" and you dont need to have dollar sign inside the ID, instead of doing: $ConfigName$ you can do: ConfigName Just look the above xml snippet, and the language should be good alternative if you wrote small letters like: csharp instead of Csharp or CSharp. I hope it will help you out,