For DBSCAN implementation, is it necessary to have all the feature columns Standardized AND Normalized?
[[ 664. , 703. , 2901.069079],
[ 632. , 717. , 2901.069079],
[ 606. , 740. , 4386.449399],
[ 635. , 751. , 4386.449399],
[ 672. , 525. , 4760.874001]]
If I have to do DBSCAN on this, is it mandatory to Standardize it firs then Normalize it? Just Normalize it?
Additionally, How these values dictate the choice of eps?
Normalizing or standardizing your data can ruin important properties of your data set.
Some examples:
Choosing a scaling should not be done "because it is always done"; but because of the actual data you have! Choose it because it is the right thing, not because it is "default" or in some tutorial.
Most likely if you resort to normalization or standardization, you have not understood your data, nor how to measure distance or similarity; then people like to use normalization as a last resort to get "some" result; but you never know if the result is meaningful at all.