Assume that I have a line composed of N ordered points (here: N=5: a, b, c, d, and e) which subdivide it into N-1 (here: 4) segments. It is my intention to subdivide the line into M > N-1 segments, while honoring two requirements:
Without requirement (2) we could simply create M+1 points along the path of the original line and honor requirement (1) perfectly:
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
XY = np.asarray([[1,1],[2.5,3],[4,2.5],[7,3],[9,1]])
distance = np.zeros(5)
for i in range(4):
distance[i+1] = np.sqrt((XY[i+1,0]-XY[i,0])**2+(XY[i+1,1]-XY[i,1])**2)
distance = np.cumsum(distance)
distance /= distance[-1]
# Get an interpolator for x
x_itp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(distance,XY[:,0])
y_itp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(distance,XY[:,1])
# Plot the original line
# Get 10 equidistant points
XY_new = np.column_stack((
y_itp(np.linspace(0,1,10)) ))
# Plot the new line
Unfortunately, if the original vertices are not among these new points, the new segmented line would have a slightly different shape (cutting corners):
Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how I could create an algorithm which fulfills these requirements?
You could achieve this by
By orderring by lenght and halving the longest segment every step gets you one closer to M
. By repeating this process your segments length get more uniform wich each new halving.
You would need to keep track of which (new) segments lie in which (original) segment - f.e. using a dictionary:
{ old_seg_1: [new_seg_1, new_seg_2, ...], old_seg_2:[old_seg_2], ...}
If the longest segment is not one of the original ones, you need to find which original ones it belongs to and split that orignal one into one more segment then it currnently has:
A basic python approach to get how many splits each segment needs could be:
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
XY = np.asarray([[1,1],[2.5,3],[4,2.5],[7,3],[9,1]])
def dist(p1,p2):
return np.sqrt(p2[0]**2-p1[0]**2)
segment = {}
distances = {}
for pos in range(len(XY)-1):
dist = np.sqrt((XY[pos+1][0]-XY[pos][0])**2 + (XY[pos+1][1]-XY[pos][1])**2)
segment[pos] = (XY[pos], XY[pos+1])
distances[pos] = [1,dist]
M = 9
seg_count = lambda w: sum(d[0] for d in distances.values())
seg_count_start = seg_count(distances)
while seg_count(distances) < M:
keyyy, longest = max(distances.items(), key = lambda x: x[1][1] / x[1][0] )
distances[keyyy][0] += 1
{0: [1, 2.5],
1: [1, 1.5811388300841898],
2: [1, 3.0413812651491097],
3: [1, 2.8284271247461903]}
{0: [2, 2.5],
1: [2, 1.5811388300841898],
2: [3, 3.0413812651491097],
3: [2, 2.8284271247461903]}
Now you can use the amounts of splits to subdivide the belonging sections using scipys interpolation.