I have a tableView and collectionView and to get indexPath i'm using below methods on tableViewCell and collectionViewCell (i dont want to use indexPathForSelectedRow/Item methods). Is there a way that I can make this generic?
Ideas please
// For Tableview
func getIndexPath() -> IndexPath? {
guard let superView = self.superview as? UITableView else {
return nil
let indexPath = superView.indexPath(for: self)
return indexPath
// For CollectionView
func getIndexPath() -> IndexPath? {
guard let superView = self.superview as? UICollectionView else {
return nil
let indexPath = superView.indexPath(for: self)
return indexPath
You could do this with two protocols, one that both UITableView
and UICollectionView
conforms to, and the other that both UITableViewCell
and UICollectionViewCell
conforms to.
protocol IndexPathQueryable: UIView {
associatedtype CellType
func indexPath(for cell: CellType) -> IndexPath?
protocol IndexPathGettable: UIView {
associatedtype ParentViewType: IndexPathQueryable
extension UITableView : IndexPathQueryable { }
extension UICollectionView : IndexPathQueryable { }
extension UICollectionViewCell : IndexPathGettable {
typealias ParentViewType = UICollectionView
extension UITableViewCell : IndexPathGettable {
typealias ParentViewType = UITableView
extension IndexPathGettable where ParentViewType.CellType == Self {
func getIndexPath() -> IndexPath? {
guard let superView = self.superview as? ParentViewType else {
return nil
let indexPath = superView.indexPath(for: self)
return indexPath
Really though, you shouldn't need a getIndexPath
method on a table view cell. Cells should not know their index paths. I suggest you reconsider your design.