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AIML parsing error in PYTHON 2.7?

I am running the learn.aiml in my python AIML interpretor but its throwing damn parsing error the error is '

Loading std-startup.xml... done (0.01 seconds)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected <category> tag (line 74, column 4)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </learn> tag (line 82, column 6)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected <learn> tag (line 83, column 6)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected <eval> tag (line 86, column 8)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </learn> tag (line 92, column 6)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </template> tag (line 94, column 2)
PARSE ERROR: Unexpected </category> tag (line 95, column 0)
Loading learn.aiml... done (0.00 seconds)
Enter your message >> ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 10, in <module>
    print kernel.respond(raw_input("Enter your message >> "))

and the lines responsible for error are

  <pattern>XEDUCATE * XSPLIT * XSPLIT *</pattern>

        <eval><uppercase><star index="1"/><star index="3"/></uppercase></eval>
        <eval><star index="2"/></eval>
        <eval><uppercase><star index="1"/><star index="2"/></uppercase></eval>
        <eval><star index="3"/></eval>


Line number starts with 69 line number..

Source of AIML file


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