I am trying to recreate the below Excel formula/table and have True/False display but am stuck.
Excel Formula: =ABS(ROUND(MEDIAN(C$2:C2),0)-ROUND(MODE.SNGL(C$2:C2),0))<[sample.xlsx]variables!$B$2
I have 200+ rows of data and I need the Median and the Mode only calculated from the first row to the current row. I can create the Median for all rows in SQL, but this is incorrect for what I need. Same with the Mode. The formula above would be in Excel cell D2 and populated down. The variable it is calling at the end of the formula is just the number 4.
Any suggestions or pointers would be great. Thanks!
Excel snippet: Quick view of how this table looks in Excel
SQL code to build this exact table in SQL.
select * from sysobjects where name='SampleExample' and xtype='U'
) CREATE TABLE SampleExample (
[Seconds] INT,
[Sequence] INT,
[Value] NUMERIC(12, 9),
[Result] NVARCHAR(4)
Current Median Query. I added a column in my SQL table called Filename that is the same value for all rows. But this finds the Median for all rows in the tablet not row 1 through current row.
Declare @Median AS INT
Select @Median = (
(Select MAX([Value])
(Select TOP 50 PERCENT [Value], [Filename]
FROM SampleExample
Order by [Filename]) as BOTTOMHALF)
(Select MIN([Value])
(Select TOP 50 PERCENT [Value], [Filename]
FROM SampleExample
Order by [Filename] desc) as TOPHALF) ) / 2
Current Mode Query:
Declare @Mode as INT
Select @Mode = (
Select TOP 1 ROUND([Value],0) as MODE
from SampleExample
Group by [Value]
Order by COUNT(*) DESC
Result I am looking for is True/False. I'm using CASE in my SQL query:
CASE WHEN @Variable > @Median - @Mode THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END AS Result
SQL Server (and SQL in general) has a function to calculate medians. It has the intuitive name percentile_cont()
. And, it only exists as a window function, not an aggregation function.
You want a running median. Ideally, it would be nice to write:
select se.*,
avg(value) over (order by sequence) as avg_value,
percentile_cont(0.5) over (within group order by sequence) over (order by sequence)
from sampleexample se;
But cumulative medians are no supported. So, that leaves the apply
select se.*, se2.*
from sampleexample se cross apply
(select top (1) percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by value) over () as median,
avg(value) over () as avg_value
from sampleexample se2
where se2.sequence <= se.sequence
) se2;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
I really read the question as the median and average, not median and mode (wishful reading on my part). For the mode, you do need a subquery, so:
select se.*, se2.*
from sesampleexample se cross apply
(select top (1) percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by value) over () as median,
avg(value) over () as avg_value,
value as mode
from (select se2.*, count(*) over (partition by se2.value) as value_cnt
from sampleexample se2
where se2.sequence <= se.sequence
) se2
order by se2.value_cnt desc
) se2