I am using ARSCNFaceGeometry
and need to update the face model's blend shapes as part of my game loop. My current solution is to call ARSCNFaceGeometry.update
with a new ARFaceGeometry
class Face {
let geometry: ARSCNFaceGeometry
init(device: MTLDevice) {
guard let geometry = ARSCNFaceGeometry(device: device, fillMesh: true) else {
fatalError("Could not create ARSCNFaceGeometry")
self.geometry = geometry
func update(blendShapes: [ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation: NSNumber]) {
let faceGeometry = ARFaceGeometry(blendShapes: blendShapes)!
geometry.update(from: faceGeometry)
However this is not suitable for realtime usage since the ARFaceGeometry
line alone takes around 0.01 seconds (just for reference, at 60fps we have a total frame budget of 0.0166 seconds).
After a few hundred updates or so, we seem to run to some sort of bug that takes the entire game loop to 10-20fps. Here's a 6 second sample from the profiler that sees ARFaceGeometry
taking 2.3 seconds!:
Is there a more efficient way to update an existing ARSCNFaceGeometry
from a set of blend shapes?
With custom 3D models for example, I can just update the blend shape values on SCNNode.morpher
. Is there an equivalent for ARSCNFaceGeometry
I could not track down the ARFaceGeometry performance problems. To workaround this, I instead decided to build my own model from ARFaceGeometry
First I generated a model file from ARFaceGeometry
. This file includes the base geometry as well as the geometry when each individual blend shape is applied:
let LIST_OF_BLEND_SHAPES: [ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation] = [
// ... fill in rest
func printFaceModelJson() {
// Get the geometry without any blend shapes applied
let base = ARFaceGeometry(blendShapes: [:])!
// First print out a single copy of the indices.
// These are shared between the models
let indexList = base.triangleIndices.map({ "\($0)" }).joined(separator: ",")
print("indexList: [\(indexList)]")
// Then print the starting geometry (i.e. no blend shapes applied)
printFaceNodeJson(blendShape: nil)
// And print the model with each blend shape applied
for blend in LIST_OF_BLEND_SHAPES {
printFaceNodeJson(blendShape: blend)
func printFaceNodeJson(
blendShape: ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation?
) {
let geometry = ARFaceGeometry(blendShapes: blendShape != nil ? [blendShape!: 1.0] : [:])!
let verticies = geometry.vertices.flatMap({ v in [v[0], v[1], v[2]] })
let vertexList = verticies.map({ "\($0)" }).joined(separator: ",")
print("{ \"blendShape\": \(blendShape != nil ? "\"" + blendShape!.rawValue + "\"" : "null"), \"verticies\": [\(vertexList)] }")
I ran this code offline to generate the model file (quickly converting the output by hand to proper json). You could also use a proper 3D model file format, which would likely result in a smaller model file.
Then for my app, I reconstruct the model from the json model file:
class ARMaskFaceModel {
let node: SCNNode
init() {
let data = loadMaskJsonDataFromFile() // implement this!
let elements = [SCNGeometryElement(indices: data.indicies, primitiveType: .triangles)]
// Create the base geometry
let baseGeometryData = data.blends[0]
let geometry = SCNGeometry(sources: [
SCNGeometrySource(vertices: baseGeometryData.verticies)
], elements: elements)
node = SCNNode(geometry: geometry)
// Then load each of the blend shape geometries into a morpher
let morpher = SCNMorpher()
morpher.targets = data.blends.dropFirst().map({ x in
SCNGeometry(sources: [
SCNGeometrySource(vertices: x.verticies)
], elements: elements)
node.morpher = morpher
/// Apply blend shapes to the model
func update(blendShapes: [ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation : NSNumber]) {
var i = 0
for blendShape in LIST_OF_BLEND_SHAPES {
if i > node.morpher?.targets.count ?? 0 {
node.morpher?.setWeight(CGFloat(truncating: blendShapes[blendShape] ?? 0.0), forTargetAt: i)
i += 1
Not ideal, but it works ok and performs much better, even without any optimization. We're pretty consistently at 60fps now. Plus it works on older phones too! (although printFaceModelJson
must be run on a phone that supports realtime face tracking)