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Custom Gradle Task depends on Plugin

Summary: I want to write a gradle task which depends on a plugin. In particular I want to use the plugin org.hidetake.ssh for my deploy task

I have the following project structure

|-- src/...
|-- src/
|-- |-- main/groovy/package/DeployTask
|-- build.gradle

In my main build.gradle I import the plugin and define the Task: build.gradle

plugins {
    id 'idea'
    id 'org.hidetake.ssh' version '2.10.1'


remotes {
    dev {
        host = findProperty("")
        user = findProperty("")
        identity = file(findProperty("") ?: "${['user.home']}/.ssh/id_rsa")

import org.irrigation.gradle.DeployTask

task deploy(type: DeployTask) {
    description = "Deploys to Server"

And in buildSrc/src/main/package/DeployTask I define it:

class DeployTask extends DefaultTask {
    @Option(option = "env", description = "Configures the environment to be used")
    String environment = "dev";

    @Option(option = "branch", description = "Configures the branch which should be deployed")
    String branch = "master";

    void deploy() { {
            session(ssh.remotes[environment]) {
                execute "echo test"


I get obviously the error message:

Execution failed for task ':deploy'.
> Could not get unknown property 'ssh' for task ':deploy' of type org.irrigation.gradle.DeployTask.

The problem is, that I can (but dont want to) write the task in the main build.gradle as following (without errors)

task deploy(type: DeployTask) {
    doLast { {
            session(ssh.remotes[environment]) {
                execute "echo test"


  • ssh is registered as an extension of the project:

    So you need to reference the extension in your task like so (untested):

    void deploy() {
        doLast {
            getProject().getExtensions().getByType(Service.class).run {