I have a loop which generates random samples from the chi-square distribution with different degrees of freedom (df1
, df2
, df3
, df4
) and saves it to a cell array:
for k=1:N
x{k} = chi2rnd([df1 df2 df3 df4]);
Is there any way to do this without any iterations? I tried to use cellfun
, but it didn't work.
Here is a vectorized way (method 1):
x = num2cell(chi2rnd(repmat([df1 df2 df3 df4], N, 1), N, 4), 2);
You may also try this method (method 2):
df = [df1 df2 df3 df4];
y = zeros(N,numel(df));
for k = 1:numel(df)
y(:,k) = chi2rnd(df(k),N,1);
x = num2cell (y,2);
Result of timing for N = 10000
in Octave. However you need to measure the time in MATLAB:
Original solution : 3.91095 seconds
Vectorized solution (method 1): 0.0691321 seconds
Loop solution (method 2) : 0.0124869 seconds