i want to change existing user password. i ran this command ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U USER -P 'PASSWORD' user set password 10 "&UJM2wsx"
i got an error IPMI command failed: Request data field length limit exceeded Set User Password command failed (user 10)
when i ran same command without password at the end i was prompted to insert password twice and it worked. is there a way to echo password twice to ipmitool user set password command?
p.s i tried to delete the user and re create it but there is not delete option from cli only from web gui
It doesn't require to echo the password twice, both must work. Not sure, why you are getting data field length exceed error.
try it with ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U USER -P 'PASSWORD' user set password 10 "&UJM2wsx" -v
also with ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U USER -P 'PASSWORD' user set password 10 "&UJM2wsx" -vv
Also, make sure user 10 is having a proper user name first, with "ipmitool user list" command.