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Passing column name into function

I have a simple problem with non-standard evaluation: passing a variable name as an argument into a function.

As a reproducible example, here's a simple thing: taking the mean of one variable, mpg from the mtcars dataset. My end goal is to have a function where I can input the dataset and the variable, and get the mean.

So without a function:

mtcars %>% summarise(mean = mean(mpg))

#>       mean
#> 1 20.09062

I've tried to use get() for non-standard evaluation, but I'm getting errors:

summary_stats <- function(variable, dataframe){
  dataframe %>% summarise(mean = get(variable))

summary_stats(mpg, mtcars)

#> Error: Problem with `summarise()` input `mean`.
#> x invalid first argument
#> ℹ Input `mean` is `get(variable)`.

Created on 2020-09-19 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)


I also had one additional follow-up question.

I also need the variable argument as a char string, I tried the code below, but I'm still missing how to do that:

summary_stats <- function(variable, dataframe){
  dataframe %>% summarise(mean = mean({{variable}}))

summary_stats(disp, mtcars)
#> Error in print(as.character({: object 'disp' not found

Created on 2020-09-19 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)


  • You could use the curly-curly ({{}}) operator to pass column name as unquoted variable.

    To get variables passed as character value we can use deparse, substitute.

    summary_stats <- function(variable, dataframe){
      dataframe %>% summarise(mean = mean({{variable}}))
    #[1] "mpg"
    #      mean
    #1 20.09062