In Swift using macOS:
By removing @NSApplicationMain
(and making a subclass of NSWindowController) in AppDelegate I create the main window programmatically, without using storyboards, etc.:
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
var window: NSWindow!
var viewController: NSViewController!
var windowController: NSWindowController!
func configMainWindow(_ viewController: NSViewController) {
window = NSWindow(contentRect: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 800, height: 600),
styleMask: [NSWindow.StyleMask.closable, NSWindow.StyleMask.titled, NSWindow.StyleMask.resizable, NSWindow.StyleMask.miniaturizable],
backing: NSWindow.BackingStoreType.buffered,
defer: false)
window.title = "My App"
window.setFrameAutosaveName("My App")
window.isOpaque = false
window.isMovableByWindowBackground = true
window.backgroundColor = NSColor.white
window.contentViewController = viewController
windowController = WindowController(window: window)
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
viewController = ViewController()
The windowController attaches a toolbar, statusBar and menuBar: (Only the menuBar is loaded from a NIB. A class MainMenuAction handles the menu choices.)
class WindowController: NSWindowController, NSWindowDelegate {
var toolbarController = ToolbarController()
var statusBarController = StatusBarController()
var mainMenuAction: MainMenuAction?
override init(window: NSWindow?) {
super.init(window: window)
window?.toolbar = toolbarController.toolbar
window?.delegate = self
var topLevelObjects: NSArray? = []
Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("MainMenu", owner: self, topLevelObjects: &topLevelObjects)
NSApplication.shared.mainMenu = topLevelObjects?.filter { $0 is NSMenu }.first as? NSMenu
self.mainMenuAction = MainMenuAction.shared
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func windowDidLoad() {
if let window = window {
if let view = window.contentView {
view.wantsLayer = true
window.titleVisibility = .hidden
window.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
window.backgroundColor = .white
Additionally, I needed to add a main.swift file: (thanks for reminding me, apodidae)
let delegate = AppDelegate()
NSApplication.shared.delegate = delegate
_ = NSApplicationMain(CommandLine.argc, CommandLine.unsafeArgv)
I tried:
let vc = NSViewController()
let win = configWindow(vc, windowWidth: 420, windowHeight: 673)
let wc = NSWindowController(window: win)
vc.view.window?.contentViewController = vc
Where I copied the method configMainWindow from AppDelegate, to create configWindow that allowed me the specify size and the vc.
But how can I open a new window (from some method in a new class - programmatically) with a custom size and style?
Please provide a code example.
The following demo creates a second window called by a method in a custom class. It may be run in Xcode by adding a 'swift.main' file and replacing AppDelegate with the following code:
import Cocoa
class Abc : NSObject {
var panel: NSPanel!
func buildWnd2() {
let _panelW : CGFloat = 200
let _panelH : CGFloat = 200
panel = NSPanel(contentRect:NSMakeRect(9300, 1300, _panelW, _panelH), styleMask:[.titled, .closable, .utilityWindow],
backing:.buffered, defer: false)
panel.isFloatingPanel = true
panel.title = "NSPanel"
let abc = Abc()
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
var window:NSWindow!
@objc func myBtnAction(_ sender:AnyObject ) {
func buildMenu() {
let mainMenu = NSMenu()
NSApp.mainMenu = mainMenu
// **** App menu **** //
let appMenuItem = NSMenuItem()
let appMenu = NSMenu()
appMenuItem.submenu = appMenu
appMenu.addItem(withTitle: "Quit", action:#selector(NSApplication.terminate), keyEquivalent: "q")
func buildWnd() {
let _wndW : CGFloat = 400
let _wndH : CGFloat = 300
window = NSWindow(contentRect:NSMakeRect(0,0,_wndW,_wndH),styleMask:[.titled, .closable, .miniaturizable, .resizable], backing:.buffered, defer:false)
window.title = "Swift Test Window"
// **** Button **** //
let myBtn = NSButton (frame:NSMakeRect( 100, 100, 175, 30 ))
myBtn.bezelStyle = .rounded
myBtn.autoresizingMask = [.maxXMargin,.minYMargin]
myBtn.title = "Build Second Window"
myBtn.action = #selector(self.myBtnAction(_:))
window.contentView!.addSubview (myBtn)
// **** Quit btn **** //
let quitBtn = NSButton (frame:NSMakeRect( _wndW - 50, 10, 40, 40 ))
quitBtn.bezelStyle = .circular
quitBtn.autoresizingMask = [.minXMargin,.maxYMargin]
quitBtn.title = "Q"
quitBtn.action = #selector(NSApplication.terminate)
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification) {
func applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(_ sender: NSApplication) -> Bool {
return true
let appDelegate = AppDelegate()
// **** main.swift **** //
let app = NSApplication.shared
app.delegate = appDelegate