I have a website which we moved from custom cms to WordPress about 2 years ago, and for the purpose of getting the old page rank back I want to set up redirects with mod_rewrite
, because some page links did change, so here is my case:
So basically I want to do the following (beware of minor changes in URLs):
to https://example.com/category-one/
to https://example.com/category-one/subpage-one/
.I managed to get the first of those redirects working, but the second one doesn't get rewritten, but my knowledge is limited here, so I'd be happy of a working example on how to "chain" both rewrites.
Here is my current .htaccess
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# END W3TC Browser Cache
# BEGIN Old Site Redirects
Redirect 301 /category_one/sub_page_one/ /category-one/subpage-one/
Redirect 301 /category_one/ /category-one/
Redirect 301 /category_two/ /category-two/
Redirect 301 /category_two/sub_page_two/ /category-two/subpage-two/
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# END WordPress
As you can see, I tried with normal Redirect
, but what happens is URL http://example.com/category_one/sub_page_one/
redirects to https://example.com/category-one/sub_page_one/
, so the desired result is only partial.
I managed to get the first of those redirects working
Although there's nothing in the .htaccess
file you posted that appears to do this?
As you can see, I tried with normal Redirect, but what happens is URL
redirects tohttps://example.com/category-one/sub_page_one/
Again, the directives you posted in the question won't perform such a redirect?! There's nothing that specifically redirects HTTP to HTTPS? So, if you are seeing such a redirect you are either seeing a cached response or WordPress itself is performing this redirect. (Although the category-two
redirect(s) would produce such a result since they are in the wrong order - see below).
(Aside: In your example URLs you appear to be converting underscores (_
) to hyphens (-
) in the URL-path, however, you don't state this as a requirement and the resulting URL in your last (edited) example still contains underscores. So, I assume this is not a specific requirement and that source and target URLs can simply be different.)
You should avoid mixing mod_alias Redirect
directives and mod_rewrite RewriteRule
directives. The simpler Redirect
directive is prefix matching and always executes after mod-rewrite, despite the apparent order in the config file.
The order of these directives can also be important. They may need to be in order of specificity (depending on the directive and/or regex used). If there is any ambiguity then the most specific rule needs to be first.
# BEGIN Old Site Redirects Redirect 301 /category_one/sub_page_one/ /category-one/subpage-one/ Redirect 301 /category_one/ /category-one/ Redirect 301 /category_two/ /category-two/ Redirect 301 /category_two/sub_page_two/ /category-two/subpage-two/ # END Old Site Redirects
Due to the prefix-matching nature of the Redirect
directive, the last two rules are in the wrong order. The 4th rule will never get processed, and a request for /category_two/sub_page_two/
would get redirected to /category-two/sub_page_two/
(everything after the match is appended to the target).
Try changing the above to the following instead:
# BEGIN Old Site Redirects
RewriteRule ^category_one/?$ https://example.com/category-one/ [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^category_one/sub_page_one/?$ https://example.com/category-one/subpage-one/ [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^category_two/?$ https://example.com/category-two/ [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^category_two/sub_page_two/?$ https://example.com/category-two/subpage-two/ [R=301,L]
# END Old Site Redirects
There is no slash prefix on the RewriteRule
pattern when used in .htaccess
. The regex /?$
allows for an optional trailing slash on the requested URL.
These directives also force HTTPS. (Rather than allowing WordPress to do this later (2nd redirect) - if that is how it is configured.)
Since these directives match specific URLs, the order is not important.
Test with 302 (temporary) redirects first to avoid potential caching issues associated with 301 (permanent) redirects.
You will need to clear your browser cache before testing.
However, if you have many "old" URLs then it would be more efficient to process this later in your application logic (ie. when your application determines that the request is not valid).
we moved from custom cms to WordPress about 2 years ago
You've had no redirects from "old" to "new" URLs in the past 2 years? It might be a bit late to get "the old page rank back". Have you confirmed (from your logs) that these "old" URLs are still being requested?