I have a few lists in a separate python file. What I want to do ask the user which list they would like to get access to, and then use that list in my main py file. I am getting an error, can't find attribute 'x', x being the input variable in which the list name is stored. Any help would be appreciated.
import module_name
lst = input('Which list?')
a = module_name.lst //getting an attribute error, no lst in module_name
To access lists by a string, you need to store the lists in a dictionary.
-- module_name.py
lst = {
'a': [1,2,3,4],
'b': [5,6,7,8]
-- module_main.py
import module_name
lstname = input('Which list?') # a
xx = module_name.lst[lstname]
print(xx) # print selected list