I have a class where I want a conditional Elem in xml to be added, but I am unable to do this. Please help.
The ShortName block is supposed to be conditional.
While debugging I see that get shortname gets executed. In fact if I try wrapping that in a dummy tag (<dummy>{getShortName().get}</dummy>
) everything works. But I need the condition outside.
Here's my class:
import scala.xml.Elem
class MyClass(rob: ROB, scalaDTO: ScalaDTO, robStatus: Status) {
val myRob =
{val allPoiNames = rob.Identity.Names.get.ROB_Name
allPoiNames.map(robName => {
if (!robName.Type.contains("Shortened")) {
<FeatureName CaseAutoCorrectionEnabled="true">
{robName.Text.map(text => {
val transType = text.Trans_Type
transType match {
case None => {
//Executes but does not get added
case _ => {
private def getShortName(): Option[Elem] = {
val condition = true
if (condition) {
} else {
override def toString: String = {
val prettyPrinter = new scala.xml.PrettyPrinter(150, 2)
My output looks like:
<FeatureName CaseAutoCorrectionEnabled="true">
<OtherName>The Name</OtherName>
Note the Missing Name Tag,moving it below the getShortName() line prints it fine
For this kind of logic, you can express it as a NodeSeq instead of mixing it in with xml literals.
Something like:
case None =>
NodeSeq.fromSeq(Seq(<Name>{text.value}</Name>, getShortName().orNull, <Language>{robName.Language_Code}</Language>))