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Laravel sending custom email

I don't know if this is possible

I am trying to send custom email all the users from my users table. I am using the mail fascades present in laravel.

There is a blade template like this :

# New Book Lunch
This is the body of the email.

@component('mail::button', ['url' => $url ?? ''])
View Order

{{ config('') }}

My method to send mail looks like this

class NewsLetterController extends Controller

    public function newsletter(Request $request)
        $subject = $request->name;
        $message = $request->message;

        $email = User::pluck('email');
        Mail::to($email)->(Add my custom $message and $subject)->send(new NewsLetter());


Here I want to add a custom message and subject my filling a form. How can that be done so I can add custom message?


  • Looking at the docs:

    You can pass the variables to the Mailable via the constructor.

    Mail::to($request->user())->send(new NewsLetter($subject, $message));

    And in the Mailable:

    class NewsLetter extends Mailable
        // ...
        public function __construct(string $subject, string $message) 
           $this->subject = $subject;
           $this->message = $message;

    If you want to pass the message to the view, your build could look like:

    class NewsLetter extends Mailable
        // ...
        public function build()
            return $this->view('emails.newsletter')
                    'message' => $this->message,

    And finally, you add the message in blade:

    <p>{{ $message }}</p>